3 thoughts on “Hello world!

  1. I know this is a very belated response, but I just discovered your blog and I’m reading every entry with great interest. My family has deep roots in Berks County, and Reading in particular – and they go way back. I rarely read a list of pioneers in the area without seeing at least a half dozen family names on the list. I’ve been researching my family history since I was five years old, and have amassed an enormous amount of material but am always looking for more, and to fill in the many gaps I still have. I wish I could visit the Henry Janssen Library, but I live in Vermont and have to do my research from a distance. It’s thrilling to see that you’re cataloging the collection and digitizing it. I feel sure there are many items I’d be interested in seeing that have been invisible so far due to not being cataloged. Having done a lot of online research, I know that it’s all too common for items to disappear because they haven’t been cataloged or have been transcribed incorrectly. I look forward to following your blog, and your progress in sorting out the library’s collections.

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